End-to-end security is the cornerstone of customer trust, and we are dedicated to fostering and preserving that trust between The Leather Merchandise and You. To guide you on this journey, we’ve addressed some frequently asked questions below:

What basic information does The Leather Merchandise need about its customers? 

We only request your name, contact details, postal address, and email after you’ve placed an order upon signing up on our website. Exploring the site does not necessitate providing your private information.

What does The Leather Merchandise seek from its customers?

Your valuable feedback is all we need. Your critiques and insights act as stepping stones to our success. Your input helps us enhance our customer services, making them more effective.

We uphold our commitment to customers by securely storing and managing your information within our data system, refraining from selling it to external entities. However, with your consent, we share basic information with the courier department to facilitate the delivery of your order.

How do we protect your private information? 

Stringent security checks are in place, allowing information submission only through website login. For secure transactions, we utilize a protected server. Credit card and PayPal account numbers are encrypted, and our robust digital marketing system limits access to your information to our trusted team members.

Post-transaction, we promptly delete credit card numbers, retaining only your email address and contact numbers for future evaluations.

Are we using cookies?

Yes, we use cookies to help service providers recognize and restore your information. They remember your shopping cart, sparing you from the hassle of re-entering it.

Do we sell your information to third parties? 

Absolutely not! We maintain strict adherence to our contracts, recognizing the pivotal role trust plays in the relationship between a company and its customers. Our site is inaccessible to children under the age of 13.

Do you agree? 

By logging into our website, we consider you in agreement with our policies and terms.

How to obtain more information?

Simply drop us an email, and we’ll respond at the earliest opportunity. Alternatively, connect with us through our Facebook page.